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Friday, December 18, 2009

Dry skin in winter

Dry skin in winter

Everyone's skin gets chapped and dehydrated in winter, but there are some conditions that require a drastic change to your normal skin care routine
During wintertime, we enjoy the simple comforts of big, cosy jumpers and snuggling next to the fire, away from the harsh elements outdoors. But, no matter how well you wrap up, wintry weather can still strip the skin of its natural moisture barrier and cause the top layer to dry and flake off. And while you might think that January and February are the worst months for your skin, this is not the case. By the New Year, your skin has adjusted - it's during autumn when you'll notice a drop in humidity and a difference in your skin. For most people, regular use of moisturiser should help guard the skin against chilly weather, but there are some more severe skin conditions that may cause similar symptoms, and these will need extra attention.
Also known as atopic dermatitis, this hereditary condition can occur year-round, but often flares-up in winter. Irritants to the skin, such as fabrics (wool is a common culprit), or allergic reactions to skincare products and laundry detergent can also provoke a reaction. Although skin may become dry, you'll probably notice red, itchy patches that can scab and flake off. Try using a mild soap and moisturiser designed especially for sensitive skin - this will contain fewer ingredients likely to exacerbate the condition. Your doctor may prescribe a cortisone cream to soothe the redness and irritation. Stay away from drying cleansers, spot creams and alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). Non-irritating fabrics such as cotton will also help keep flare-ups at bay.

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