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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Top 5 Home Remedies That Really Work

Alternative medicine was once something associated with eccentrics or those connected with new age beliefs. That notion has changed because research shows that many of the herbal cures and home remedies work. Think about it for a moment. There was a time when doctors and medicine were not readily available to the average person. People would turn to herbal remedies to treat any illness. These folk remedies used whatever was available in the surroundings to cure illness. The folk remedies often contained herbal plants or natural plant sources mixed in with other ingredients. Quite a few doctors are also employing a more natural approach to treating their patients that involves basically what was once considered a home remedy. Here is a list of the Top 5 Home Remedies That Really Work.

Bad Breath - Everyone has had a bout with bad breath at one time or another. The problem is everyone knows who has bad breath except the victim. Note: if people are offering you gum out of the blue or mints, odds are it’s you! Bad Breath is easily cured with the following home remedy. Start by brushing and rinsing the mouth thoroughly. Floss the teeth and aim for all the particles between the teeth. Rinse again. Chew on a few parsley leaves to sweeten the breath or try taking a chlorophyll tablet daily. They are available at health food stores.

Blemishes - This remedy works to effectively cure blemishes. Take a fresh lemon and squeeze the juice into a glass and add the same amount of rose water. Apply the solution to the face. Let set on the face for 30 minutes and then rinse the face. (Not for those with very sensitive skin)

Colds - Every Flu and cold season we grab a bottle of cough syrup off the local drug store shelves and hope for the best. Instead of the usual cough syrup try a mixture of garlic and honey. Grate in a blender. And use as desired. Good for colds and to treat chest ailments.

Sunburns - Have you ever spent a day out in the sun or relaxing on the beach and ended up with a very yucky sunburn? Applying cool compresses helps most people. Relaxing in a bathtub filled with warm water and baking soda also works great.

Excess Weight - Are you carrying around a few extra pounds? Drink three cups of Chinese Green Tea every day to reduce excess body fat and lose some weight.

Remember to always consult your doctor before using any home remedies to stay on the safe side.


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