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Monday, April 4, 2011

Tips on Picking up Girls for the Nice Guy

Surely you’ve heard it many times before that most girls only go for jerks.  Maybe you have even personal evidence of this fact.  That’s ok for them, but what if you’re not a jerk?  Can’t a nice guy get some love?
The good news is that there’s hope for all men, even the nice guys, to find the girls they truly want.  It’s just a matter of adjusting your approach slightly.  And the good news is that once you up your game and find the girl you’re looking for, you’ll know how to treat her well since you’re already a nice guy.

Tips on picking up girls for the nice guy

pick up girls tips Tips on Picking up Girls for the Nice Guy

Stop putting women on a pedestal

One way you can work towards this confidence is by no longer putting the women you interact with on a pedestal.  Sometimes it’s easy to idealize a girl and tell yourself that your only chance to be with her is to shower her with gift and tell her of your undying love for her.  This will lead you down the dark side of being the nice guy that no girl wants rather quickly.
You need to develop a strong sense of your own worth, that you yourself are a capable and accomplished person who any girl would be glad to have.  One surefire way of doing this is to develop a life outside of chasing women.  Work on your career or some hobbies that your really love to remind yourself of the things you’re good at doing.

Distinguish between being nice and being a pushover

It’s of the utmost importance to treat women kindly and with respect, but it’s also crucial not to confuse treating them nicely with being a pushover.  Do you find yourself jumping at a girl’s every beck and call with the hopes that she’ll go out with you some day?  Do you have trouble speaking up or disagreeing with a woman you may like?  Do most of your attempts to impress a girl center around buying her things and following her orders?  Then you may have crossed over into pushover territory.
The fact is that women appreciate a masculine man who can stand up for what he wants.  This does not mean you should treat women poorly or like objects, but it does mean that you can be assertive, stand behind your ideas, and make suggestions on planning dates.  This shows that you can operate on your own and that you have something to offer.  Conversely, if you roll over every time a girl asks you to do something, how is she to know that you will stand up and take care of her when faced with a challenge.
It’s important to show her that you can be a confident man, and you can achieve this while still treating her nicely.
This will automatically build your confidence and help you to maintain the perspective that any one girl is not worth losing your confidence over.  Rather, there are tons of girls out there who would be glad to date you.
These two simple steps will put you well on your way to developing the confidence that women love – and those jerks all seem to have – while maintaining your respectful approach to women.


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